The UK Games Industry Charity
Who we are
We are the games industry charity raising money for other UK charities working with children and young people. Our games industry members can help us…

Our charities of the year

Safe in Our World
The main goal of Safe In Our World is to foster worldwide mental health awareness in the video games industry and wider community.

Gamers Beat Cancer
“Using Games To Beat Cancer”

The UK's autism research charity. Supporting research and campaigning for long, happy & healthy lives for autistic people and their allies.

Game Therapy UK
Game Therapy UK provides evidence-based therapeutic gaming to socially isolated groups.

Solving Kids Cancer
Solving Kids’ Cancer UK is a parent-led charity specialising in the rare childhood cancer, neuroblastoma. Our vision is for a future where no child dies from neuroblastoma or suffers due to treatment.
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GamesAid Stats
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Each year our members will nominate charities that they wish us to support and then the membership will vote on who should receive the funds that we raise.